Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Heroes as described by my students

Mohinder Suresh
Job: Taxi driver
Superpower: Driving

Niki Sanders
Job: Videographer (correct answer: stripper)
Superpower: Crazy, to power up her ability

Claire Bennett
Job: A cheerleader
Superpower: to revive her skin. when she hurt, the wound will recover.

Isaac Mendez
Job: painting, drugs
Superpower: to predict sth(?) such as big accident, event etc

Peter Petrelli
Job: nurse
Superpower: he thinks he can fry but he fail. He knows precognition.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I feel ...

student: Sit down
me: mmm, today we learned, "I feel ..."
student: I feel Sit down

student: I feel angrish
me: you feel what?
student: angrish
me: angry?
student: yes, i feel angrish
(angry about english perhaps?)

me: who knows what "silly" is in korean?
(accompanied by slide of horse w/sunglasses and beanie hat)
student: teacher you so crajee

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Is it...delicious?

Things I have eaten, as described by their labels or by Koreans:

"morning bread"

"raw cuttlefish body"

"spiced bread"

"persimmon vinegar fiber"

"glutenous collagen treat"

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Joys of Winter

This after the first snow and the roads being icy. In the car on the way to school.

Me (to my host dad): Does Wonju salt their roads?
HD: Yes, but Wonju is poor. Only a little salt.

The next day after the roads were so icy that teachers were 2 hours late to school.

Me (to my host mom): Why didn't Wonju salt the roads?
HM: City Hall was just moved to a new place in Wonju, and it's on a heated road. So, they didn't realize how bad the other roads are. (WOW! Way to go team Wonju!)
Me: That's ridiculous!
HM: Sometimes I email the government about it; do you want to email? I'll help you.

Random conversation about winter class.

Me (to my host mom): I found out when my winter class is. December 24th - Christmas Eve, December 25th - Christmas, and December 26th.
HM: That's too bad.
(My host mom explains what I said to my HD who is intently cleaning out our fish tank.)
HD (to me): Run away.

Gotta Love 'Em

We're doing American sign language connected with letters.

Me: Magic M. What words start with M?
Student: music
Student: mammoth (pronounced mamoseu...took me a while to get that one)
Student: monster
Student: MONEY!

Ok...normal enough.

Me: Nice N. What words start with N?
Student: number
Student: New York
Student: November

Normal enough still.

Me: Only O. What words start with O?
Student: October
Student: August... (No...that's A)
Student: Uzbekistan (Are you kidding me?! 1) That starts with a U. 2) Where the hell did that kid pull that word from?)

Me: Perfect P. What words start with P?
Student: pizza
Student: pie
Student: pumpkin pie (ooo...clever!)
Student: peace (WOOT!)

Monday, November 19, 2007

from my evening teachers' class

Mixing up the phrase of the day with the day's assignment:

Me: Do you have plans this Thursday evening?
Teacher: Yes. Monday...Monday..."I have a case of the Mondays."

and later....

Teacher: I have sports mania. TV mania! Movie mania! And sometimes (whispers conspiratorially)...alcohol mania.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


What words start with S?
socket (WUUUUUUT???)

What words start with T?
tell me, tell me, t-t-t-t-tell me
what's something you can eat that starts with T?
(correct answer: tomato)

What words start with U?
universe (impressive...)
유도 (judo)

What words start with V?
Volume (impressive)
바가지 (no)
very good

What do you put IN a vase?
김치 (kimchi)
correct american cultural answer: flowers