Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gotta Love 'Em

We're doing American sign language connected with letters.

Me: Magic M. What words start with M?
Student: music
Student: mammoth (pronounced mamoseu...took me a while to get that one)
Student: monster
Student: MONEY!

Ok...normal enough.

Me: Nice N. What words start with N?
Student: number
Student: New York
Student: November

Normal enough still.

Me: Only O. What words start with O?
Student: October
Student: August... (No...that's A)
Student: Uzbekistan (Are you kidding me?! 1) That starts with a U. 2) Where the hell did that kid pull that word from?)

Me: Perfect P. What words start with P?
Student: pizza
Student: pie
Student: pumpkin pie (ooo...clever!)
Student: peace (WOOT!)

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